What types of data does Physitrack process?

Physitrack is a platform designed from the ground up around privacy and security of both your own and your patient's data. All policies and engineering standards follow this principle. Further, Physitrack is not in the business of sharing data with third parties. Our revenue comes from subscriptions and enterprise features, plain and simple.

  • Physitrack runs its applications and databases on Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS operates perhaps the most secure data centers in the world
  • Data is stored in a database that is hosted in the same data center ("availability zone") as the server on which you use Physitrack. For example, if you use us.physitrack.com, both the application and the database are in the US, and if you use nl.physitrack.com, both the application and the database are in the EU.
  • The database is encrypted "at rest" (AES-256) as well as "in flight" (when being transferred between your browser/device and our application).
  • Physitrack makes two types of database backups: a real-time backup and a backup that is made every 24 hours. These backups are stored in a different data center from the online database to avoid data loss in case of a catastrophe.
  • Backups are encrypted.

Note that Physitrack does not store any credit card information on its systems. Payments are processed by Adyen, our payment processor.

Data processing details

Subject matter, nature and purpose of processing The provision of the services to the customer
Duration The duration of the agreement
Categories of personal data Name, gender, year of birth, telephone number (optional for patients), email address (optional for patients), government ID number (only for Swedish customers), access code & exercise program, outcome measures, adherence data and messages feedback, IP address and timestamp of various user actions, video call log, video call audio, diagnosis code, custom exercise videos and images, app preferences (e.g. preferred language)
Categories of data subjects Customer’s patients who are end users of the platform
Data exporter Physitrack PLC
Data importer You

Third-party vendors (subprocessors) that process data on behalf of Physitrack

Subprocessor Controls in place Description Data Type



GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement in place We will use ActiveCampaign within our Physitrack platform to streamline our email communications and customer management, both for new and existing customers. Our goal is to optimise the experience of our existing Physitrack subscribers and to provide a smooth onboarding process for new customers and users. ActiveCampaign will not process any identifiable patient data. Organisation name, first name, last name, address, contact name, contact email address, contact phone number, usage numbers from CRM



GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement in place We use ADA as our AI-powered support agent which automates routine inquiries, offers 24/7 support, and provides personalized assistance. Name, surname, email, IP address, account details including settings and subscription details

Amazon Web Services

Instances used based on Customer location

GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement with Standard Contractual Clauses in place Cloud Service provider. Different AWS regions based on data residency requirements. First & last name, gender, year of birth, mobile phone, email, IP address, timestamp of various user actions, access code & exercise program, outcome measure results (if assigned), messages feedback (if enabled), video call log (if enabled), video call audio (if enabled), adherence details (if enabled), diagnosis code (if enabled), custom exercise videos and images (if added), app preferences (e.g. preferred language)



GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement with Standard Contractual Clauses in place We use Cloudflare for DNS and content distribution. IP Addresses & timestamps



GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement in place We use Chargebee to help manage our subscription process and invoicing.

Practitioner's billing information such as name, email and payment method.

No Patient data is sent to Chargebee.



GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement in place We use Coconut to transcode all videos into web/mobile viewable formats. Coconut automatically deletes all uploaded content after 24 hours. Video featuring a patient



GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement in place We use Customer.io to send onboarding emails and newsletters to practitioners. Name, email

Data Dog


GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement with Standard Contractual Clauses in place We use Data Dog to monitor and improve performance of our application and infrastructure. IP Addresses & timestamps



Data Processing Agreement with Standard Contractual Clauses in place We use Dolby.io to help power our video calling functionality. IP Addresses


EU (Germany)

GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement in place We use FullStory as an analytics tool to help us understand how Practitioners interact with our products to improve our services. Practitioners’ website and apps interactions, including events on site, clicks and scrolls. No Patient data is sent to FullStory.

Google Workspace


GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement & Standard Contractual Clauses in place We use Google Workspace to host our emails. Customer contact details and invoicing information may be sent over the email



GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement & Standard Contractual Clauses in place We use Helpscout to process customer support emails and display our online knowledge base (such as the one you are looking at). Name, email, IP address


EU (Estonia)

GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement in place We use Pipedrive to track our sales and enterprise support efforts. Billing-related customer data



GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement with Standard Contractual Clauses in place We use Twilio to send access codes via SMS to clients and send various notifications via SMS to practitioners. Mobile phone number and information shared between Practitioner and Patient



GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement with Standard Contractual Clauses in place

We use Webflow to improve our marketing website design and development capabilities.

Full name, email, and a choice from a survey (list of bullet points). No Patient data is sent to Webflow.



GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement with Standard Contractual Clauses in place We will be using Zapier to improve workflow automations across various applications. This will help us integrate data smoothly and enhance operational efficiency for our services. Zapier will not process any identifiable patient data. Organisation name, first name, last name, address, contact name, contact email address, contact phone number, usage numbers from CRM, account details including settings and subscription details. No Patient data is sent to Zapier.

Zoom Video Communications Inc.


GDPR-compliant, Data Processing Agreement with Standard Contractual Clauses in place Implementing Zoom for telehealth aims to enhance our service capabilities by providing efficient, reliable, and high-quality communication. Meeting recordings and Meeting transcriptions

Note:  healthcare practitioners may choose to automatically share adherence details and exercise program information from Physitrack to their patient management system. This is done at the discretion and under the control of the clinic or healthcare practitioner.

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